
Kamis, 30 Oktober 2014

The Squishables Werewolf and Micro Fox Photo Review

Fox Micro Squishable
(Please give my fun animation a few more seconds to load in) 


I had to bring you something different for my favorite time of year and what better than this amazing NEW Werewolf Squishable for my
Halloween Special review!

I know these arnt gadgets but everyone loves an adorable face and a fun cuddly don't they...even those tuffy wuffy's out there....I know you smiled when you saw them?

I was lucky enough to receive these 2 guys through the post to show you all. We just couldn't resist the gorgeous Werewolf those eyes and the mouth he is beautiful and the Fox a micro version is adorable; don't they look stunning together.

Squishable.co.uk have been going since November 2013 and have been supplying giant soft toys both online and to a large number of stores around the country. Squishable started in 2007 in the US when founders Zoe and Aaron identified a need for more awesome range of soft toys and started to create some designs which were mostly big round stuffed animals.

Checkout my full photo-review on these gorgeous guys!

 This rather large box arrived in my garden with strange noises inside!

My Squishables arrived within a few days in a large cardboard box in their own poly bag to keep them clean and dry.

I opened it to find a shy Werewolf peering out at me
Aww you can come out now fella!

Imagine my face when I opened the box to find these guys, my heart melted.

Happy to be out of his box.
I feel like I'm being watched....or is it my imagination?

What can I say, Im in love; this Werewolf is 15 inches of squishy goodness; he's not full of bones, blood and guts but Polyester fiber. His fur is unbelievably soft and silky and you cant help but stroke him; which is why he is so grumpy. His toughy wuffy character ruined by his amazing softness and silkiness. His street cred gone down the drains with so many ooh's and arhh's.

His super large size makes him so impressive and he's actually quite heavy; how many people have gone missing from round here recently...eeep! I though he had been putting on weight!

Lets measure that big budha belly; he looks like his gonna pop!
Yep its just over 43 inches in diameter and he's 15 inches high!

 I cannot stress just how soft he is; from this pik if you look closely he has been made with a combination of 5 different fabrics. So much has gone into his character.
  • Outer body has the most luscious silky dark grey fur.
  • Inner ears, muzzle and paws a shorter lighter grey.
  • His tummy a super-plush velvety feel.
  • Lastly his "face star" is a longer length soft silky grey.
  • Nose and outer eye is a black fur.
I just love his front paws which have black felt claws coming from the paws.
I think you need a manicure fella.

 His back paws sit forward so he's sitting on his bum. Each back paw has a sewn in paw print and another 4 black felt claws. These padded paws really add to his design.

I love the way his feet can dangle off a chair, your lap or a shelf....or a toadstool!

He has a fab silhouette shape from behind; almost a sulky cute look with a lovely thick furry tail and just enough ears popping up.

This "face star" is genius as it gives him his cute but grumpy Werewolfy look; the grey fur is extra long meaning you just cant help stroke that face.

Both his large eyebrows and muzzle protrudes perfectly and are firmly padded.

His mouth and teeth is what gives him his gorgeous Werewolfy toothy grin. The teeth have been embroidered perfectly with not a stitch out of place anywhere.

The orange and black plastic eyeballs really finish him off; how can you resist these eyes and that grin...butter wouldn't melt.. is that blood on those teeth...what have you done....? ;-)
The eyes are extremely well sewn on with no worries of child dangers.

Both toys have the Squishable label securely sewn onto their backsides.

We need to keep him busy...keeping his mind off food!

Other creatures just cannot make him out.
Werewolf meet Wolf...totally unsure of each other...its the mirror image?
Now Im going to have to watch 2 of them on the full moon...sigh!

Fox Micro Squishable Keyring
I was lucky enough to get Foxy to show you too and it was wonderful to see just how gorgeous these micro 3 inch Squishables are too; with the same luxurious fabric fur and the same cuddly ball shape and just small enough to take everywhere with you.
Never be without your squishable!

 What I really love about these is the way they have been designed to sit looking  up adoringly into your eyes because he is so small...genius!

After being really ticklish he finally let me measure that tiny tum of his which is just 9.75 inches in diameter and he's 3 inches in height.

 I love the cute pronounced nose and profile its just so adorable; they really have been thought out.

 The large bright blue Karabina is made of thick plastic to keep it safe for the kids..no nipped fingers as its pings back. They have used thick black twisted cord as the hanger; keeping everything super soft.

 Turn him round and you'll find an adorable cute furry tail.

Right down to the little white tip on the end.

 See just how cute is this...how can you resist, you need to take him home!

Dont they just look stunning together; how can any child...er...or...adult resist these two.


I absolutely love these two from Squishables, the design and excellent quality fur fabrics are sooo luxurious, sumptuous, luscious, soft, silky and just darn strokable. These are the best cuddly toys I have ever had in my life and that's alot of years...
There is a Squishable for everyone's taste in cuddlies; from fantasy animals to farm and wild animals and birds; available in 3 different sizes; 15 inch, 7 inch and 3 inch. But if your gonna get a Squishable go for the large 15 inch they will make you smile every day.
The roundness makes them perfect as cushions or pillows, the nobbly noses are not hard and you can easily use Werewolf as a pillow for dozing on the sofa at home. Foxy makes the most adorable main keyring and will get you loads of comments and envious looks. They are fun, affordable toys for kids and bigger kids everyone has a favorite just ask them.

  • Unbelievably soft and silky fur.
  • Good rich colours.
  • Brilliant character design.
  • Floppy paws makes them more cuddly especially for kids of any age.
  • Affordable toy quality.
  • Amazing selection of designs from the cute to quirky.
  • Too cuddly cant get anything done.
  • Cant walk past without stroking them.

Before and after's!
 Wolf what have you done?

     You can buy your Squishable Werewolf HERE
    for only £35

    Buy your Micro Fox 

    Here are just some of the Squishable characters to choose from.

    WIN your very own Squishable with
    Mr Fox Travels

     One person will be picked at random every 2 weeks or so to host Mr Fox at your home to take at least 2 photos or a video of him before sending him on his way to the next lucky winner; where you can then choose a 15 inch Squishable of your choice!
    So click the boxes below to apply for Mr Fox!

    Selasa, 28 Oktober 2014

    Zombie and Apocalyptic Survival Book Reviews

    I had to celebrate Halloween as its my favorite time of the year; yes I even prefer it to Christmas!

    So to kick off my Halloween Spooktacular this year are a couple of books from my Zombie apocalypse collection. This is slightly different to my zombie novels Ive been bringing you; as they are complete guide's to surviving the Zombie Apocalypse....you know just incase!

    Read on after the jump for more info on these fab, fun books.

     and published by Haynes manuals.
    My first book is actually published by Haynes as in the Haynes manual; nope its not a car manual; instead of Rover, BMW or Ford its one for Surviving against zombies...you know...just incase!

    So would you know what to do in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse?
    Could you protect your family, forage for food and hold your own if confronted by a horde of the walking dead?

    I absolutely had to have this book as you know I'm addicted to zombies; I think the whole front cover design is brilliant at keeping with the zombie blood and gore theme right from the outset.
    Small splashes of blood across the cover and Workshop crossed out and Apocalypse written in blood...yess love it!

    The back cover is the same and gives you a full explanation of whats inside.
    This book is packed with vital information about how to prepare yourself (mentally and physically) and your surroundings for an attack.

    If you are an Unbeliever there are still other things in the world which could cause an apocalypse not just zombies. So even though the information in this book is aimed at zombies it could be put to real life if necessary...no seriously it could, start hording tinned goods now people!

    Back to the book
    This is a brilliant comprehensive guide with a huge range of illustrations, diagrams, maps and step by step instructions for everything you need to know to protect yourself.

    The well detailed coloured diagrams are outstanding here are some examples eg; to protect your home, how to fight, collecting the right types of food and the ultimate zombie safe-house.

    The obligatory blood hand print!
    It may be a fun book to read but the amount of information collated in this book is amazing.

    Examples of just some of the info inside;
    • Zombies explained.
    • The science of Zombieology, the facts every Zombiologist need to know.
    • The apocalypse what is it and when?
    • Zombie history.
    • Becoming a zombie survivalist.
    • Home preparation and defense. Securing your home and a 90 day plan.
    • Foraging and transport.

    Some examples are;

     At the very end you even have the chance to take your own Zombie survival exam at Advanced level.

    After you take your test you even get a basic and advanced certificate right at the back of the book to cut out and frame. It now has pride of place on my desk.
    If you need to get rid of some zombies just ask Gadget Girl or better still go get your own Zombie survival guide.

    Loved the paragraph at the back saying
    I quote;
    There is no guarantee that you will survive a zombie apocalypse we do however offer a full refund if you are eaten within 30 days of a major zombie outbreak.

    This really is a brilliant book for anyone who is a super fan of the Walking Dead like me or loves their zombie apocalyptic films and reads or is genuinely interested in prepping; as it has some seriousness to it too and above all it makes you think..what if...?
    But its a really fun, tongue in cheek coffee book read; after reading a few other zombie guides this is my favorite with the brilliant outstanding illustrations on every page.
    Its a large sturdy A4 hardback it has 126 excellent quality glossy pages; which is perfect to use as a weapon too, should you need it. A firm whack to the head should be enough to put your attacking zombie to the ground them crush its skull with your boot till his eyeballs pop out. You can then wipe the book clean to keep safely in your bug-out bag next to your lip gloss, well I'm still a girl after all.
    With Christmas creeping closer and Halloween in a few days time this would make an excellent gift.

    Author bio
    Sean T Page is a zombie survival expert and has provided consultancy to private industry and governments around the world on what to do in the event of a zombie apocalypse. Admittedly, few of them actually asked for the advice in the first place. His qualifications include a 25-metre swimming badge from school and several merits for good attendance. He launched the Ministry of Zombies in 2009 to raise awareness of the zombie threat and has published The Official Zombie Handbook UK and War Against the Walking Dead. He is banned from most government buildings now and some people think he is a bit weird. 

    Buy yours from Amazon HERE

    My second book is the author of the best selling film World war Z

    Complete protection from the living dead.

    This is a smaller paperback which will fit easily into your jacket or bug-out-bag; keep this with you at all times you never know when you may need this.

    Don't be reckless with you most precious asset – life. This book is your key to survival against the hordes of undead who may be stalking you right now without your even knowing it. The Zombie Survival Guide offers complete protection through proven tips for safeguarding yourself and your loved ones against the living dead. It is a book that could save your life.

    About the Author

    Max Brooks lives in New York City but is ready to move to a more remote and defensible location at a moment's notice. His book World War Z was hailed by fellow zombie expert, Simon Pegg, as 'an absolute must have', and is now a major motion picture starring Brad Pitt.

    This book is another incredibly well written book by Max Brooks; if any of you have read his first zombie fiction book of World War Z you will know what a great read that was. This survival guide blurs fiction and non fiction and really makes the reader think.

    With over 2 million copies sold worldwide

    Ive read this book completely cover to cover too many times to mention and it absolutely covers everything you will ever need to know about zombies.

    Max has added extremely detailed well written chapters on being prepared;
    • Myths and realities.
    • Weapons and combat techniques.
    • Defending the home.
    • On the run looking for safety- this is just a genius chapter and also quite scary if this were reality.
    • On the attack- weapons, transportation, terrain, strategies this chapter is so detailed it will really make you think about what  if...
    • Historical recorded attacks through history- yes real...are they...I hope they are!
    Plus so much more as its not a thin book, it has 246 pages and will take you several days to read from cover to cover. Max has seriously thought of everything...but of course he would after writing the amazing film with Brad Pitt WWZ.

    This book is again for those of you that are Zombie-apocalyptic-aholics and its just fab to have in your collection; especially from such a great writer like Max Brooks.
    This comprehensive, well detailed book will give you the confidence to take on the world...ok just the zombies...lol! Max breaks down every element you may need to survive in a fun easy to read way. I couldn't tear myself away from this and have since been returning regularly to it as there are so many interesting chapters; particularly "On the run" a fascinating chapter about surviving when things go bad..ok...even worse than being over run by zombies. Its military style ideas could most certainly be applied to emergency situations of any kind and allows the reader to get into that mindset to protect themselves and their loved ones.
    Another brilliant read which will suddenly make you think has he made this up or is this real...does he know something we don't...gulp.......!

    Buy yours from Amazon Uk HERE

    I hope you enjoyed reading about these zombie survival guides to bring you something different for Halloween or Xmas.
    So start getting your Bugout bags ready, sharpen those gardening tools, building your fences higher and start collecting tins of food and you will become a full blown prepper ready for anything.

    Have a great Halloween Everyone!