
Kamis, 14 Agustus 2014

Jo By Leah Rhyne Book review


Oh my goodness I've just finished this amazing read at 6am as I just couldn't put it down. When I first read the blurb I really wasn't sure how it could be pulled off as its such a fascinating storyline.
But wow I really enjoyed everything about this read.

Jolene Hall is dead – sort of. She can walk, think and talk, but her heart doesn't beat and her lungs stopped breathing ages ago. Her body’s a mosaic of jagged wounds and stapled flesh.
Jolene Hall has a choice: turn herself in to the authorities, led by a suspiciously handsome police officer, or team up with her roommate Lucy and her boyfriend Eli to find a way to save herself. To Jo, the choice is clear. She’d like to know who turned her into a monster, and she’d like to live to see another sunrise.

But that choice has drastic repercussions.

On a trip deep into the snowy White Mountains, to a hidden laboratory filled with danger and cadavers, Jo and Lucy find more reanimated girls. Part body, part machine, run by batteries and electricity, these girls are killers, created by a shadowy Order with a penchant for chaos…and murder.
To make matters worse, a photo on a wall of victims reveals Lucy is next in line to be "recruited” into this army of beautiful, walking corpses.

When Jo’s physical condition takes a turn for the irreparable, and the Order kidnaps those she loves most, she must sacrifice herself to save them all.

Its the first book I've read of Miss Rhynes and won't be the last and now Im sitting on tenderhooks for a book two.
From the first page Leah had me hooked even though I honestly had a few doubts; but I needn't have worried at all as this fast paced book had me gripped and I mean completely hooked and simply had to keep reading till dawn.

Jo was a brilliantly written compelling read and so believable, pulling off someone dead is hard enough; but her descriptive writing as she decayed was horrific and you really felt for Jo knowing she was dying but still wanting to save the other girls and protect Lucy from being the very next walking dead.

I loved Lucy's character the strong willed kick ass friend you need at a time when you wakeup dead but still alive...like you do.....! I also loved the sense of humor between best friends Jo and Lucy this was really compassionate.
Eli, Jo's boyfriend was also well thought out; although I got so annoyed with him at times within the read. Heartfelt moments too as Jo had some flashbacks of memories with Eli knowing she'd never have them again.

I have to stress its not another zombie read this is a completely different style of read. The ending was brilliantly written I had tears in my eyes and I would love a book two as it would be great to see more of Lucy too; I loved this character as her and Eli fight to stop the sadistic "order of the adversaries" in memory of Jolene Hall. This would make the most brilliant horror film for any of you script writers out there.
Its a unique read and something I've not read before; a refreshing change and a great addition to my horror library and another book that has left me with that contented feeling you get after a really good read.

Nip here to read the first few pages

Author Bio
Image of Leah Rhyne
Thumbnail image of Leah Rhyne Thumbnail image of Leah Rhyne Thumbnail image of Leah Rhyne
Leah Rhyne is a Jersey girl who's been in the South so long she's lost her accent...but never her attitude. After spending most of her childhood watching movies like Star Wars, Alien(s), and A Nightmare On Elm Street, and reading books like Stephen King's The Shining or It, Leah loves writing tales of horror and science-fiction.
She lives with her husband, daughter, and a small menagerie of pets. In her barely-there spare time, she loves running.

All my thanks goes to Leah for sending me this book for this review.
All my views and opinions are my own.

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