
Sabtu, 22 November 2014

Ravage by Iain Rob Wright Book Review

Nick Adams is just a normal guy. He loves his family, appreciates his home, and covets his car. But he absolutely hates his job. Which is what makes it so difficult that not a single customer has come by his store today. It seems as though there’s a bug going around, something that has come out of nowhere and is keeping people at home. Still, it’s probably nothing to worry about. People get sick all the time.

And besides, things are finally starting to look up. Nick’s first customer of the day has just stumbled through the door…

It won’t be long before Nick’s entire life is turned upside down, sending him on a frantic journey through a ravaged world that will ultimately lead him 500 feet upwards to a hilltop amusement park. Is it the last safe place on Earth, or are the monsters at the top of the hill even worse than the ones below?


I have been reading zombie books this year like there's no tomorrow...end of the world...pun intended lol. So certain books stand above the rest in keeping you on your toes; Ravage is one of those. Its extremely fast paced and I couldn't stop turning those digital pages till the end.
I found this book when it was free on Amazon and I have to say I loved it, this is the first Iain Rob Wright book Ive read and I'm now looking into getting the next.
I would always recommend trying new books when they are free as you get read to try new authors which you wouldn't normally read.

Iain writes with gusto and realism; as a group of strangers from all different walks of life find themselves in 2 separate groups which will lead them to Ripley Heights amusement park and zoo high up on a hill away from the town.
At the beginning the book is divided into 2 main groups that we follow, the first group starts in the town.
I immediately related to Nick the phone salesman, likable, funny and just one of us; whose last customer isn't what it seems and he is eventually rescued by Dave the bus driver and a few others he picked up along the way including some escaped prisoners...which is never going to end well is it!

The second group has Annaliese a young vet called to help out a foal being born at Ripley Heights zoo. I really love this tough kick ass no nonsense young woman with a huge love of animals. I can see alot of her in me...yay girl power!
She accidentally encounters some trapped residents of Ripley Heights and helps them escape to safety risking her own life in the process. This group is run by the abrupt power hungry manager Shawcross; who is so dis-likable and you love to hate.
The two groups eventually combine; but its certainly not what it seems; there's thieving, murder and deceit amongst the newly formed group; with strong characters clashing who want to be in charge....god help those who don't follow them.
Iain has produced some brilliant evolving characters that are realistic and believable; plus one of my favorites; Lily a welcome addition to the book who lost her mate and baby too....
I loved the 2 different types of zombie; the infected newly turned who were fast and the walking dead slow lumbering both still deadly.
Iain's creativity throws you into many twists and turns bringing out the worst of human nature and engages you with your favorite characters; its fast paced as you are swept along not knowing who to trust with an unexpected thought provoking ending.

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Author Bio

Iain Rob Wright is one of the UK's most successful horror and suspense writers, with novels including the critically acclaimed, THE FINAL WINTER; the disturbing bestseller, ASBO; and the wicked screamfest, THE HOUSEMATES.
His work is currently being adapted for graphic novels, audio books, and foreign audiences. He is an active member of the Horror Writer Association and a massive animal lover.
Check out Iain's official website for updates at: http://www.iainrobwright.com or add him on Facebook where he would love to meet you.

More book reviews I have read from Iain Rob Wright below.

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