
Senin, 07 Desember 2015

Introducing LUNA-Pi and WALLE-Pi our own Raspberry Pi 2 projects.


As you guys know if you've been following us on here we have a few Raspberry Pi 2 projects on the go.
Checkout ZX3.14 plus more that are being put together in different levels of completion that I will show you later.
I would like to Now officially introduce you to......


 If you've been living on another planet for a few years or this one, you may remember WALL-E from the film of the same name, this has to be my all time favorite robot.

So after collecting every sized WALLE I/we could, my other half suggested maybe building the new Raspberry Pi2 into them and enabling them to do far more than the original...toy...ever could.
Out of the box when new, the toy could only go forward, backwards and right, so to go left, you had to go right 3 times.
These two will both be autonomous so they wont bump into things and also can be controlled by keyboard or phone and viewed by a monitor from each of their built in cameras.

These two are still being built but I just couldn't wait until they were finished as its absolute cuteness overload!!!

 So we have WALLE-Pi

He has almost every gizmo going that will fit inside his little "compactor" body (110mm x 110mm).

  • A 2.8 inch TFT monitor screen, a 5mp camera for pictures and video, arm and neck servo's and head adjustment servos. all being controlled by the Pi and a Laika board.
  • He has his own beating heart LED. 
  • His eyes are sexy blue 8x8 matrix so he can blink and wink at us or LUNA.
  • A matrix mouth too, that will be sound controlled with the WALL-E voice.
  • As well as a gorgeous programmable PiGlow for effect plus lots more.....!
  • 10,000 mAh Power Bank, he needs it he is a bit on the heavy side.

 You can see his Laika board on the back. Little WALLE trying to help at the side...hmm...!
 Then we have LUNA-Pi our latest Raspberry Pi 2 project, made up out of some of the unused parts from building WALLE-Pi, He had needed the motor, Both tracks and some of the body parts for himself, an eye here and an arm there, this just left a box of bits.
Due to the demise of a popular online Pi shop we acquired a couple of Dagu Rover chassis cheap, this genius idea of using one of these track chassis then shortening it and adding distance sensors to the front meant that WALLE-Pi now has a girlfriend.
The electronic item you see built into the front of the chassis is a distance HC-SR04 sensor so she doesn't run into anything and boy is that receptive.

 She also has her own red beating bigger heart (dot matrix) and soon to have a tiny LCD screen built into the left that will say LUNA...

This makes her quite different to WALLE-Pi even though technically he has alot more going on. The tracks give her a unique edge.

 So as you can see these two are Hi-fiving themselves, as they know how clever they are.

For WALLE-Pi love is blooming as I type and I cant wait to update you when they are both finished.
Video coming soon.

Let me know what you think?
Are you creating your own Raspberry Pi 1 or 2 or Zero project, we'd love to see it.

Incase you missed our other Raspberry Pi 2 project 
check it out below.
Project PI #1 Introduction.
Project PI #2 Choosing the case.
Project PI #3 Introducing the new ZX 3.14.
Project PI #4 The Build 
Project PI #5 The Build is nearly finished.

WALLE's and Raspberry Pi's built with products from these popular companies.
Element 14
RS Online
Dawn Robotics 
Sadly closed but never forgotten, we got LUNA-Pi's chassis from them.

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