
Senin, 13 Juni 2016

Veryfit 2.0 Smart Watch heart rate monitor Review

 Hi everyone Ive something for the fitness enthusiasts out there today or for those like me that are just curious of what your doing on a daily basis.
I was kindly offered the Veryfit 2.0 from Gearbest to share with you all and as I haven't ever tried a smart watch before I couldn't wait to see what it could do.

 So click the jump to see how smart this smart watch is.....Ive added a full video review too, so you can choose whether to read or listen to my ramblings.
Ive always been curious to see just how many steps I do in a day, or how may kilometers and calories I burn off.

As a lady with a bone density problem I have trouble doing regular exercise so its hard to see just what I can do in a day.
So let me start by showing you just what this piece of Technology can do.

The box is pretty good even being really informative.

 It has a cool magnetic book opening panel revealing the smart watch in a clear window and the full tech spec on the opening panel.

So in the box you have the watch, a charging cable and user guide.
The user guide is really indepth and easy to follow.

Have to say first impressions it feels light and I love the colour, I usually go for black so it looks expensive...yes Im a tech snob lol! But this FUNky green hits the sweet bit in me

The strap is fairly thick about 3 mm thick but on me the strap doubled round so its easily 6mm.

Tech Spec
  • Bluetooth.
  • Screen Type - OLED.
  • Compatible - Android 4.4 and iOS 7.1 and above.
  • Waterproof.
  • Li-Polymer Battery.
  • Battery Capacity - 70mAh.
  • Stand-by 5-10 days.
  • Charging 1 hour.
  • Band material TPE.
  • Size - L26cm x W2.10cm x H1.25cm.
 I love the watch connectors, they are metal not plastic like other watches.

 I was worried these nobbles would stick into my wrist BUT they sit flush to my wrist inside the watches own holes...if that makes sense.

I like the metal mirrored panel behind these as it looks so nice from the outside.

The mode button is in the same matching plastic.

You also have another mode button for quick access. You can faintly see it in some lights...see above.
You can tap this quickly, I thought as it looks like a touchscreen it should be a touchscreen. However you have to tap it firmly to scroll through the modes.
I have found the button on the side does same thing; so Im not entirely sure what you gain by having 2 ways of accessing the watch...I maybe missing something simple so if you have this let me know.

 So this is how good it looks on and I really love the colour and the embossed design on the strap.

Main Features
  • Tells the time.
  • Shows your steps and congratulates you when you reach your chosen target.
  • It will let you know when you have a call so you can keep your phone in your bag.
  • SMS alert.
  • SNS (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc) alerts.
  • Sedentary alert- vibrate when you've been sitting too long.
  • Camera remote.
  • Wrist sense, twist your wrist to view the time to save power.
  • Anti-lost- When you go out of Bluetooth range (5m) the watch will vibrate to let you know your phone isnt within grasp. Panic!.
  • Sleep details showing your deep and light sleep.

This watch is charged via USB with a neat little cable, the connection feels a bit cheap but it does the job well. It charges for approx an hour and its ready to go for approx 5-6 days for me. It states 7 days but its been 5-6 for me but hey I still think thats brilliant.

Time which is cleverly shown by tilting your wrist to read the time, so saving on power.

Then tap just beneath to scroll through to the other modes or use the side button to view them for longer.

Heart rate
 Heart Rate (its really a pulse being on your wrist), Ive taken a few in my time as a nurse I know... takes a few seconds to start counting and from experience this is quite accurate for me.

 The underside of the watch reads your heartbeat or pulse, you can see here the green light flashes to show its reading your heart rate.
This doesnt dig into your wrist like other watches but it still accurate enough.
 Ive found the heart rate monitor (pulse) useful if and when Ive not felt too well and found my pulse quite high. The fact it checks it 24 hours a day is brilliant.
To be accurate make sure the strap is tightened enough but still comfy.

Ive had pedometers before but I absolutely love this as the results are saved onto a gorgeous graph on the app.

Checkout the burning flame icon super cool...burning calories...get it..?

Distance walked/run
Love this mode that you get to choose miles or kilometers walked in a day or in 1 workout.
Simply hold down the side button and it will take you into a distance reading starting from nought of your going for a run, it will then buzz once you've hit the distance.
I know dont laugh at my 0.02km The picture was taken the next day and I had only just started....ok....sheesh!

Alarm clock
It also has an alarm clock set up from your app; the alarm clock will then vibrate on your wrist without waking anyone else but you, perfect for anyone that is hard of hearing too. Plus you dont wake your other half if your up early.

Checkout the cute camera mode icon, it even animates...yes I did say camera mode...but no it doesn't have a camera on the watch but it does turn your watch into a remote control for your phone camera...cool..oeew SPIES like us.
You only need to swish your hand over the mode button ontop like a magician for it to snap the pik from your phone.
But you do need to wake it up now and again while your setting up your shot, Ive seen some people complain it doesn't work, it does, it simply hibernates after about 3 seconds of not being used. 
Which I must admit is slightly annoying I want it to stay on, if I want a remote button I want it ready when I need it. I dont see any need to have it turn off. So you just need to tilt your wrist towards you to wake it up.

Okay this is not a warning that you need a ^poop^ break and its not James Bonds remote ejector seat activator, it is though the sedentary symbol to say hey lazy bones get up off your a** and do something, this can be found on alot of the expensive smart watches. You set on the app how often you want the watch to let you know if you've been sitting for too long. I have mine set for every hour, then its up to me if I ignore it...like most times...erhm... or actually get up and smell the flowers, I mean exercise. 

Then you have the all important steps, now here comes the thing...there's always a thing. I do feel this is fairly accurate; however it does seem to reach my target while Im driving in my car...hey I dont know it is super weird and its not all the time. But a few times its shown the finish line flag...super cool...while Im in the car.???
Im not sure if this is something to do with wifi or Bluetooth maybe but everything else shows its accurate. Let me know if you guys have any ideas?

You do have to pair the watch and the phone together and normally Ive never had any problems; but I did find this awkward to scan and find each other. I then had to reinstall the app and go through the pairing process via the app ONLY then it worked immediately, so dont try and jump the gun guys.

The Veryfit 2.0 App 
The Veryfit 2.0 app is for Android 4.4 and above and IOS 7.1 and above.

I have to say Im so damn impressed with the app its beautifully presented and designed.

Very easy to follow and so beautiful to use.
Here are just some of the screens to work through, but I need to show you on a video clip just how gorgeous as it changes screen by falling away like water or turning into a 3D block so you can swish it round with your finger...its really quite mesmerizing.
You have a complete setup guide where it sets everything for you for the first time, you simply add your weight, height etc. 

The app has 4 main tabs as you can see above.

Detailed easy sliders allow you to choose all your step and sleep targets.

Super easy basic set up options with some cool options too.

 The graphs are so easy to read and fun to view with their amazing animations.

It tells you how much you have to go and it will also let you know how much of that was fat burning...super clever.

Sleep Monitoring system
Sleep Monitoring
What I also love is the fact it tracks my sleep, whether Ive had light or deep sleep and exactly how many hours, this has been invaluable to knowing why I have had an extra bad day, Ill look at the app and see Ive had barely any deep sleep its all been light; so for me its helpful to see why Im having a crappy day.
However its obvious really if your feeling tired you know you've had a bad nights sleep this just confirms it.

You can show off your results across all these sites straight from the app.

I had to add a full video review too as I wanted to show this beautiful app in action as well as the watch.

I absolutely love this smart watch; Ive had a few teething problems with pairing at the beginning but I now know you have to pair through the app not just through your own Bluetooth settings. It would have been nice for the instructions to say this.
Plus being in the car seems to upset my Bluetooth sometimes, maybe due to Bluetooth in the car too..Im not sure. However it rights itself once home.

The VeryFit 2.0 app is just gorgeous so easy to use and I'm a sucker for cool animations. Love the graphs and I can see at a glance how well Ive done with my steps and my sleep.
Talking of sleep the sleep monitoring has been a huge help and Ill be continuing to track this.

The large screen is really gorgeous too along with the cool flick of the wrist to view the time and options, enabling power saving; this thing lasts for ages I'm so impressed.

The first week it went to 6 days before buzzing at me to say "charge me, charge me". It then only takes approx an hour to charge. The screen is large and bright, but is a bit hard to see in sunlight but thats a minor thing.

I love the app and I look forward to seeing what Ive managed to do in a day; its made me care about what Im doing and I look forward to the time I can increase my step counts lol. 

I also want to say its completely waterproof Ive not taken mine off in nearly a fortnight and water hasn't effected it at all. My strap is starting to get a bit discolored however but then I did choose a bright colour as I wanted something brighter being Summer, but I'm still happy with this clever smart watch! 

Its so affordable compared to the big boys in the smart watch world and it offers so much. If your curious of how many steps you do in a day, how many calories you've burned, and how far youve walked or run; or wondered how much "proper deep sleep" you have, then this is for you. Plus you get a silent vibrating alarm clock too, I love it for this its been so useful. Even if you purchase this for the remote camera function you will get the use out of this.
If your a serious fitness buff you may want something more indepth, but this clever watch will really encourage you to get those step, calories and fat burning goals. Perfect for the fitness beginner or if your not sure whether you will get on with a fitness tracker you can buy this without breaking the bank.

So you can purchase yours from Gearbest with a choice of 5 fun colours.
For only 

All my thanks goes to Gearbest for kindly sending me this smart watch for this review. All my views and opinions are my own. 
All my images are mine unless otherwise stated.

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